The Unreasonable Woman Program

Are you an unreasonable woman?

If you don't wear your emotions on the ring finger but on the finger standing taller than it, then yes, you are. 

Please share your story with us in no more than 300 words here

We'll go through your responses and look for authenticity. Out of all the entries, we'll select the best 5 each month starting 1st May 2024. These high-fivers will get the TUW tee for free. No strings attached. No purse strings loosened.  

The next 6 will get it at a 50% discount. 

We'll announce the 11 winners on the last day of each month, starting 1st May, on our Instagram page and publish their stories the following week.

Please Note:

  • One of the sure shot reasons for rejection will be an unauthentic response. We will go through each story carefully and, after due consideration, select the best and the most authentic ones. 
  • Please follow our Instagram page, Sattire.d . We'll announce the winners and tag you if your story is selected. Also, your Instagram profile will help us identify you. Follow us to ensure your story is chosen.
  • Let us know if you'd like to go anonymous. We won't name you or tag you.
  • There's no one-size-fit unreasonableness. You could be an Instagram star breaking societal norms or a small-town girl with dreams of sailing the seven oceans. Alone. Or with your pet dog. Or with the crow that sits on your room's window sill and has a groggy caw. 
  • Your entry can be 3 or 300 words; it doesn't matter. It should speak clearly about how you are standing up against the norm.
  • We hold the right to reject stories without giving any reasons. Please don't ask us the reasons for rejections. We won't respond. We hope you understand.
  • Please don't give more than one entry. We'll reject all. 
  • For any queries, please write to